(Piloto)These are the 10 Spanish most searched words in October — According to DRAE

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Source: Anchor

In this episode, you will learn the Top10 Spanish words most searched in October 2021 (RAE).

Hemenéutica, Pichirruchi, Musaka, Cirro, Pensar, Wok, Escuincle, Escolio, and Ayudamemoria

Photo by Jukka Aalho on Unsplash

These 10-word lists, provided by the Enclave RAE, represent the Spanish words most consulted from 1st to 31 October 2021.

It’s my wish that even if you feel you’re a neophyte mastering Spanish for beginners students or a native trying to improve your léxico, these words might form part, since now, of your lexical repertoire.

A very special thanks to the vocabulist María Inés Arrabal, who gently collaborate with the initial introduction paragraph.

If you feel you are learning with Palabrita, please let us know with a five-start impression, or leave your honest review in the commentary zone. That’s would be an excellent way to support our community.

And now, let’s start.

Que Dios reparta suerte y de mí no se olvide.

Geyser Dacosta



Palabrita: level-up your Spanish 🦜
Palabrita: level-up your Spanish 🦜

Written by Palabrita: level-up your Spanish 🦜

Improve your Spanish vocabulary every week: etymologies, word of days, translation, Tournaments for native and non-native speakers.

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